Wednesday, June 20, 2007

punctuation tricks

You may notice that the current title of this blog is "portmanteau:: works in progress."

That's right: two colons.

So what's the story? An attempt to out A.R. Ammons A. R. Ammons, having a sign of dependent connection lead not to more language, but to a twin sisterly sign of mirrored dependence? Or is it just that sometimes non-metaphorical sisters make typing errors? I'm not sure which answer is best, but I'm going to wait for Elise to weigh in and save me from further Englishdom.(And yes, for all you close readers keeping track at home, "dom" does sound an awful lot like "dumb.")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the use of two colons was also used in Speak magazine, the anti-advertising SF artsy mag edited by Dan Rolleri and designed by the brilliant Martin Venezky, who may be responsible for these dual colons. To use my corny 1950s corny Dad voice, you might call these colon operations.