I made this ages ago, after buying entirely too much fresh ginger for a Sichuan feast & wanting a little something to spruce up ye olde baked goodes. The preserves are even stronger than the Dundee brand...
The cooking process takes long enough, and the canned version lasts long enough, that you may as well fill your saucepan with several pounds. I found a recipe in the old 1960s Joy, which called for some lemon rind, but I think I ended up adding sugar and liquid as the cooking went on.
It is so beautiful, too. Is the recipe in the Joy? How much ginger should I buy to make enough to last a goodly while? A Pound? Two?
The cooking process takes long enough, and the canned version lasts long enough, that you may as well fill your saucepan with several pounds. I found a recipe in the old 1960s Joy, which called for some lemon rind, but I think I ended up adding sugar and liquid as the cooking went on.
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